" F l e u r "

change is the new constant


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"


virgin post}
Friday 7 June 2013 | 08:00 | 0Comment

As I am getting older, I realized that I have been doing the same old routine everyday.

Wake up.
Go to work.
Looping to the same song in my playlist over and over again.
Sit in my desk.
Having almost the same lunch food as the day before with that same old colleague. 
Go to school. 
Then wake up again, and the list goes on... ...

Change these days means drinking a different flavor of Meiji milk from what you usually drink. (please do not choose the coffee flavor... WORSE.DECISION.EVER.) Or switching a different brand from Lays to Calbee potato chips.That's as exciting as it gets and it's sarcasm by the way.

By writing this blog I really hope that it will be a motivation for me to make exciting changes in my life. People always say change is the new constant (as per my blog title!), I suppose changing is good then. Anyone here to validate that statement? 

But the thing with change is that risk is involved. And what I am studying currently tells me that young people are more adaptive and copes well with changes as compared to the older people. And this makes me depressed for I am only 22 and yet so comfortable with my routinized life. Oh man... I should just quit my job! Just kidding... I need the cash, can't survive without it in SIN city.

So I guess you can stay-tuned to yours truly blogging about the next radical change in her life! That is if you are interested, and why wouldn't you be? :)

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