" F l e u r "

change is the new constant


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"


PART 1: another year older}
Monday 30 September 2013 | 02:49 | 0Comment

As the title suggests... it's my birthday week bitches! Had school on Monday and Tuesday. Oh man, what a boring start but thankfully it got better as the week progresses.

Met W on Wednesday at Vivo for din. He had totally no idea where or what to eat... really terrible if he were to go on a real date yo. So in the end we settled for JPOT which is well-hidden at a corner on level 1. There were quite a number of people waiting to get in therefore we had no choice but to get a ticket and waited about 30 minutes for a table. Don't be mistaken that JPOT is a steamboat buffet concept however they do have sets which is overall slightly cheaper compared to the ala-carte items. 

We took the dinner set A which comes with the seafood platter, 2 choices of meat, spinach with mushroom and 2 soup bases. On top of that we tried the sotong youtiao as well as the chef signature spinach skin tofu which is super yummy. The service was quite alright given that it was a crowded night. It was extremely difficult for us to decide on which the soup base to choose as they do have quite a selection such as bak kut teh, laksa, herbal and so on. After much discussion, we finally settled on tom yum and superior broth and oh boy did we enjoyed it.

Love the seafood! Very fresh and sweet especially the scallops x prawns. The pork loin was flavorful as well as the tender marinated chicken. Was tempted to get another portion of seafood or meat but both of us were really bloated. I like the concept of an ala-carte buffet, not only prevents us from over-eating which is unhealthy as well as incurring less food wastage! Overall I would recommend this place for the fresh seafood and top-notch soup bases. I will definitely head back just for the bak kut teh! Oh and did I mention that JPOT is a subsidiary of Jumbo Seafood? :)

Ok so fast real forward to Saturday where S and I went for this groupon voucher deal at Bay Hotel. We were promised a gastronomic voyage but it didn't make us travel far. Oh well, there are bound to be hit and misses with online vouchers and deals. We left early from the not-so-fantastic lunch to collect my birthday cake from Flor Patisserie located at Duxton Hill. S bought the strawberry napoleon flavor which is da bomb. The cake is creamy however not too creamy till you feel sick. Hidden between the cake is a crunchy layer of the chef's signature puff pastry with all the goodness x fruitiness of the berries. This cake needs a picture to do justice to the chef.

let 'em eat cake yo

After collecting the cake we head down to our staycation at Marina Mandarin which is a less than 5 minutes walk to Marina Square. However we both felt that this place doesn't worth the 300 big boys paid as it was a little aged and not much facilities as compared to our villa stay in Bali. We had fun though I guess its still the company that matters! Anyway, we went for a nice dinner at Outback Steakhouse consists of ribs and wings. Enjoyed a nice stroll at gardens by the bay (would be a lot nicer if it was less humid) and had cup noodle x salmon sashimi x leftover wings for supper in our room!

by the way this is the first picture of myself posted on this blog (I am pretty camera shy if you must know)

Continuing the story... so we had buffet breakfast the next morning at Aquamarine before checking out. The key is to wake up earlier than the others or have fun waiting behind a queue while drooling at other people having their brunch. All right, enough of this long windy post... stay tuned to part 2 that is if you are interested!

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