" F l e u r "

change is the new constant


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"


Sunday 17 November 2013 | 20:02 | 0Comment

With the extension of Causeway Point brought about new dining additions in the suburban neighborhood. One of which is the All-You-Can-Eat Japanese steamboat buffet known as Shabu-sai. Well, the name isn't exactly endearing for most of us Chinese-speaking. But I am pretty sure the word "sai" which is similar to "yasai" just simply means vegetables. Phew! You can stop panicking now.

So basically you can choose 2 different types of soup base to go with your meat and veggies. The pretty standard ones are the sukiyaki and tonkotsu as well as the more peculiar ones such as tomato and curry. And knowing us, we went for the safe and boring choice and boy did we love the pork bone broth! For the meat, there's beef, chicken and pork slices available on request which I think is a good way to prevent food wastage. Other miscellaneous such as veggies, carbohydrates and different types of sauces and balls (e.g. fishballs, lobsterballs, etc) can be found easily at the buffet counter. 

I will definitely come back for the food cuz it's really fresh which is a must for steamboat. S and I are both 'shrooms lover and they have an assortment to choose from such as shiitake, golden mushrooms and so on. The meat paste in bamboo tube are made up of pork chunks laden with juicy chestnut cubes. Yum. However, do note that they don't serve the usual prawns or any type of shell food so back off if you are a seafood lover! And the soup tends to be on the salty side so do drink a lot of water after that! :)

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