" F l e u r "

change is the new constant


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"


psychedelic trip}
Wednesday 11 December 2013 | 20:46 | 0Comment

It's that time of the year again to do my health screening at Amara Corporate Tower. I was scheduled on a Saturday as the female doctor was unavailable for my requested appointment date. Worst. Decision. Ever. The clinic was super packed and there's only one female doctor in the house. Everything was only done close to lunch time even though I reached there early and did everything in godspeed. Wandered around like a hungry ghost (fasted the night before), I saw this cutesy pink shop and curiosity got the better of me.

Sushi Burrito specializes in sushi that comes in a burrito form but of course seaweed wrap instead of tortilla. I ordered their half-sized rainbow shrimp which consists of a deep-fry ebi prawn packed with crabmeat strips, loads of salad veggies and not to mention vinegar-ed sushi rice. Overall it was pretty much acceptable except for the weird pink sauce which I have no idea what it was. 

However, if you wanna be creative with your sushi then I would highly recommend Maki-San located at the basement of The Cathay. So for each maki you can choose different number unique of ingredients such as grilled eggplant, anchovies and etc. Since I bought the groupon vouchers, I was entitled to two mega-sans... LUCKY ME! 

the lethal combo: sushi + godzilla

Can't remember exactly what I chose but you can't go wrong with grilled unagi, roasted mushrooms and tempura crunch. I love the crunchiness of the tempura bits and will definitely choose it again the next time. Do select the yuzu honey vinaigrette as your sauce option for the extra zest! In comparison, sushi burrito is slightly on the dull side whereas maki-san's colorful creations are slightly more affordable for students like us.

Had to rush down to school for some sleep-inducing mathematics after the health screening. Ended around 3pm then joined S for fries and milkshakes at Swensen's coupled with some intellectual conversations regarding poor and rich divide in Singapore. Stuff like how the rich are entitled to opportunities in life without even having to work hard for it. And how the poor are being robbed of even the basics required to strive for better opportunities in life. Meritocracy just a facade? Usually these conversations go nowhere but I guess it's good to know how the other party thinks.

Anyhoo we ended up at Liang Court and brought S for his virgin trip to Meidi-Ya and as per normal he was deeply intrigued by the selection of alcohol available. One fellow there bought like 10-20 bottles of a particular brand of sake. Guess it's party time for him that very night. Soon it was dinner time and we decided to have ramen at Marutama.

The egg, ramen noodles and meat was good. But the soup base was kinda confusing for me, it could be the mountains of spring onions and seaweed flakes or the fact that they use chicken broth instead of the usual pork broth. The service was attentive and prompt therefore I shall give them another chance. Plus they have some really cute chefs down there! Ha!

Walked around Clarke Quay and took the river taxi like a tourist. Don't be mistaken as this is totally different from the exorbitantly-priced river cruise. Just need to pay a meagre fee of $3 to travel from Fort Canning to Clifford Pier. You will have to top up an extra $4 from Clifford Pier to Marina Bay area. 

here's a map for good measure

Educational video clips were played on the ride for tourists and possibly the locals as well. Good Lord, and that's when I learned about the relocation of the Merlion Statue cost 4 times more than the original. Guess how much it was and no Wikipedia cheaterbugs please! Do take a walk down Fullerton Bay Hotel for the view which is insanely beautiful. However the price for one night stay which is a whopping $500 plus isn't that pretty. Oh well, Singapore is an ideal place for the rich and the powerful... actually most capitalistic countries are like that. *shrugs*

shooting out diamond glazed water!

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